Helping children & their mothers step up & out of homelessness.


Help us make a difference

Coffee Bean


We are a nonprofit organization in Sun Prairie dedicated to serving the needs of single homeless families in our community.

Coffee Bean


Help us transform the lives of families in need with your generous donations of your money, your time, your talent or your services.

Coffee Bean


Volunteer your time, talents and prayers in service to those we serve. Share our story with fellow workers and other community members.

Coffee Bean


Join our email list to stay connected with us, or follow us on this website, or through social media, on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

bed Nights

As of August 30 th, 2024 the SFTSM shelter has provided 66,649 safe and warm bed nights to our women and their children. We have helped 86 Families and 200 children.

We’re making a difference!

“Shelter from the Storm Ministries has helped me rebuild my life and get back some of the things I had lost. Some of those include my soul and my faith in God.”




P.O. Box 152
Sun Prairie, WI  53590


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