Shelter From The Storm Ministries, Inc. recently received a grant to help five additional families in the Sun Prairie area with “Rapid ReHousing”. Each family will get $7,000 over the course of the next year (July 2021-July 2022) to spend on rent to help them get established after being displaced.
Generally, Rapid ReHousing households are ones that have had an event of some kind (temporary job loss, illness, divorce, death in the family) that has derailed their stability and left them homeless for the first time. Rapid ReHousing allows them to enter into a lease and has not only money to help them pay for it while they get additional job training, or obtain child care and take care of things in their lives that they need the stability of housing to do, but we provide ongoing help and case management in the form of home visits where we check in on the families progress toward their stated goals for a period of 12-24 months.
Case managers assist with mainstream services and reaching their income/employment goals and as well as make sure they are being good tenants, keeping their apartment neat and clean and following the rules.
Volunteer opportunities
LAUNDRY- if your group is interested in doing a Quarter Drive to help families with laundry duties, please contact us.
DESK VOLUNTEERS-Help needed for a few hours a week. Call 314-265-7756, if you can help.
CHILDCARE-Shelter from the Storm is looking for a few people to be on call for childcare when moms have appointments, classes online or new/overtired mommies need a little rest. Interested? Call Tami at 608-445-7067.
Shelter From The Storm Ministries, Inc. (SFTSM) is a 501 ©3 non-profit ministry, incorporated in Wisconsin, led by a local volunteer Board of Directors and Executive Team, with no national affiliation. SFTSM is a Christian organization made up of individuals with various religious affiliations who have come together to address the problem of homelessness for single moms and their children in Sun Prairie.
Mail your donations to Shelter From The Storm Ministries, P.O. Box 152, Sun Prairie WI 53590 or for credit card and ACH donations, please visit .
Learn more about SFTSM online at
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